
“Creating opportunities for anyone to step out of isolation into positive supportive community”

At Storehouse we believe that isolation is one of the central pillars of poverty. When we lack a positive community that can support and uphold us as challenging circumstances come along, it can push us further into cycles of poverty. We also recognise that everyone has a desire to be loved for who they are and have a place where they can belong. Without this, it can be difficult to recognise your own unique significance and feel a sense of value and worth.

We offer everyone that we encounter, be that service users, volunteers, church partners or otherwise, the opportunity to step out of isolation, into positive, supportive relationships through our purpose built community environments.

Our aim is to level the playing field between those that we serve and those that come to volunteer alongside us, and draw people into relationships where we can connect at an equal level. We want to offer everyone the opportunity to be accepted – without being fixed “first” – and allowed to be at the centre of community life.

It is our belief that having a sense of belonging and acceptance for who you are, helps to encourage a positive self–image, and when someone has a sense of their true value and worth, only then can change begin to take place.